There were a number of people there already waiting in the morning. There were the users as well as the student helpers taking down the attendance.

Here is one of the graduants signing his attendance

In a while, there were already a number of guests seated in the hall.

Soonafter, the principal, Mr Tan started his speech to the graduates. BlogMs listened intently when he mentioned that we should not look too much on the outside, but to focus more on the insides of a person.

And then it was ex-discipline master, Mr Adrian Tan who rendered a piece of poetry for the graduants.

After that was the head prefect, Jiahui who gave her speech. BlogMs is a little amused to hear her say that she thought that speaking in front of a crowd was a torture, but in the end she said that this was something that made her stronger.

Then there was a very energetic performance by the dance club. Here's a picture of them before their performance. How colourful their costumes are!

After the performance, the principal awarded recognition to the top students.

And then BlogMs saw all of the graduating students saying goodbye to their form teachers one by one on the stage. BlogMs has to admit that BlogMs feels a little emotional too as it is also BlogMs last year here.

But in any case, the finale, which is in the form of a video was next in line. BlogMs has uploaded this in the portal if you'd like to view it.
And then it was time to eat and take pictures!

Just take a look at all the spread! Yummy!

BlogMs likes this shot of the accidental balloon :)

Thank you all teachers and thank you all graduates for making this year such a memorable year :)

p.s. And thank you too to the media club! For taking pictures, for the audio visuals as well as sound check. You're the unseen heroes! :)

p.s.s More pictures and videos are up on the portal. Do check them out :)
Great to see that graduation has come a long way since I graduated from SQSS many years back in 1996.
Great to see the volleyball team still winning medals as I was also from the volley team back then with many of the school team players in the U-17 National team or combined schools.
Most teachers that taught me aren't there no more and had a nostalgic feeling when I went back last year for a course as a teacher hee hee. School looks still the same except lots of add ons. Else general office and staff longue and library are all still around the same place.
it almost 19 years since I left ShuQun Sec. and it seem to be a lots of changes. The uniform used to be all white and missed some of the teachers that taught us during my time.
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